
These instructions are for Google Earth Pro. Get help with Google Earth for Web and Mobile.

Create & manage placemarks

Find your favorite locations around the globe and save them as placemarks.

Mark map locations with placemarks

  1. On your computer, open Google Earth.
  2. Navigate to the place you want to save.
  3. Above the map, click Add Placemark Add Placemark.
  4. In the new window, next to "Name," enter a placemark name.
  5. To choose a different placemark icon, to the right of the "Name" field, click the button.
  6. To save the current view, click View and then Snapshot current view and then OK.

Change a placemark

You can move them, add details, and change icons.

Move a placemark

Change the 3D view of a placemark

You can change the angle or direction of the view over the placemark. To create a consistent viewing angle of all placemarks in that folder, change the 3D view for that folder.

  1. Open Google Earth.
  2. Reposition the 3D viewer to the angle you want.
  3. In the left panel under "My Places," right-click the placemark or folder and click Snapshot View.

The current view is then set as the view for the selected placemark or folder.

Change icons for places and folders

To organize folders, change the icon for placemarks and folders. You can’t assign an icon for a folder that holds different things, such as placemarks and overlays.

  1. Open Google Earth.
  2. In the left panel under "My Places," right-click the placemark you want to change. Then, click Properties (Windows, Linux) or Get Info (Mac).
  3. To the right of the "Name" field, click the placemarks button.
  4. Choose a new icon.

Make & delete folders

You can use folders to organize trips and other projects.

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